Trusted Mediators Ladymoor are experts in family Mediation services. Resolve disputes quickly and avoid court with our help!
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If you and your former partner are unable to reach an agreement regarding the contact order for your children, consider turning to a professional mediator. With the assistance of a mediator, you can work towards finding common ground and creating alternative child agreements, with the assurance that neutrality will be maintained throughout the process.
By engaging in mediation, you and your ex-partner can establish a sense of comfort and cooperation while making decisions regarding your children’s well-being, including their living arrangements, parenting schedules, and the nature of contact they have with each parent.
Remember, mediation is not a form of relationship counselling, but rather a practical and constructive approach to resolving disputes related to your children’s contact arrangements.
Mediation can help you decide who a child lives with or in a shared care situations where a child lives with both parents.
A mediator can help you and your ex to agree and the order can then be stamped by the court, and it becomes comes legally binding.
Trusted Mediators can help make specific issue orders that will give directions for determining a specific question that has risen or that may arise in connection to parental responsibility for a child.
The specific issue orders can be used to decide questions about your child’s upbringing like whether the child should go to a private or state school or the medical treatment of the child including immunisation.
The specific orders can be made on their own, or they combine with the child arrangements order.
One of the issues that must be resolved when you separate or divorce with your partner is what will happen to any debts of the marriage.
Even if the debt is not in your name, you could find yourself affected in one way or another, for example, if the debt is registered against the property in which you live.
Keeping up with loan repayment is important. The mediator will help you decide on how you will settle the debts since failure to do so may lead to your credit card rating being adversely affected.
The specific issue orders can be used to decide questions about your child’s upbringing like whether the child should go to a private or state school or the medical treatment of the child including immunisation.
The specific orders can be made on their own, or they combine with the child arrangements order.
You may need to seek a parental responsibility order if you are a father, but you are not married to your partner and the children are not living with you.
Mediators will help you and your partner enter into a parental responsibility order. This order will ensure that you have a right to be informed about your children’s education, health, welfare and you can make decisions regarding their welfare, health, and education.
Instead of going to the court to seek for parental responsibility order, a mediator can help you reach an agreement with your partner that is legally binding.
A mediator will help you and your ex to reach an agreement about your savings and investments without going to the court. Mediators will not take sides.
They will help you towards making a decision how you will share the savings and investments you made during the marriage. If you trust your partner and don’t want to undergo court process, mediation works best.
You and your soon to be ex-spouse should seek the services of a mediator to help you solve disputes you are currently dealing with so that the two of you can end up on good terms.
The mediator will help you decide what happens to the assets and home that you own. Whether rental or residential, the mediator will help you decide who remains in the house or who will be receiving the income from the house.